During the pre-training stage, training DeepSeek-V3 on each trillion tokens requires only 180K H800 GPU hours, i.e., 3.7 days on our cluster with 2048 H800 GPUs.
他证明梯度可能具有低秩结构,如果我们能够在优化器状态中保留梯度的一个小 “核心” 的梯度统计信息,而不是完整的梯度本身,那么内存消耗就可以大幅降低。这就引出了 GaLore 策略。 他的关键思想是利用权重矩阵 W 的梯度 G 上做LoRA,而不是试图将权重矩阵本身近似为低秩。他的核心逻辑用Torch写出来如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for weight in model.parameters(): grad = weight.grad # original space -> compact space lor_grad = project(grad) # update by Adam, Adafactor, etc. lor_update = update(lor_grad) # compact space -> original space update = project_back(lor_update) weight.data += update
如果从远程内存获取KVCache,会增加数据传输时间,从而延长TTFT(Time To First Token)。因此,当本地KVCache的增量计算时间少于传输时间时,可以复用本地的KVCache,即使它不是最匹配的。而增大batch意味着系统处理的大批量数据,导致TBT(Token Between Token)延长,可以将负载均衡到低负载的Decode Instance。
ZELBETH: Sey solmenter! 'tis tonguerered if berryishdd, and What his stabe, you, and, but all I pilJefals, mode with, Vurint as steolated have loven OlD the queen'd refore Are been, good plmp:
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":\nBut, that I'll", "\nBut, that I'll "
"ng?\nWhy, then th", "g?\nWhy, then the"
"s so blind, but ", " so blind, but s"
"thy offices,\nSo ", "hy offices,\nSo r"
"ords, how plainl", "rds, how plainly"
"IET:\nHere's such", "ET:\nHere's such "
"wer\nTo take off ", "er\nTo take off s"
" hurry from the ", "hurry from the f"
['\nFind!\nD:\nAr t,\nLis sthte o t l',
'\nAnd ronnot ar\nBE:\nKINRDYOrspr;',
'\nI t athe momyengthend thanswal',
'\nFis t bp he\nLacarn.\nA:\nYOMI wi',
'\nWh ly sck\nB-de pll t\nHERIns ou']
scheduled_running_reqs.append(request) req_to_new_block_ids[request.request_id] = [ b.block_id for b in new_blocks ] num_scheduled_tokens[request.request_id] = num_new_tokens token_budget -= num_new_tokens req_index += 1
如果没有抢占请求则说明还是比较富裕的,尝试从 waiting list 中获取 request,waiting list 可能有新请求也可能有之前被抢占的请求,然后执行一遍上面的代码,不同的是需要从 kv_cache_manager 计算 computed_tokens,因为被之前被抢占的或者一些有共同前缀的 kv cache block 是已经缓存过的。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
request = self.waiting[0] # Get already-cached tokens. computed_blocks = self.kv_cache_manager.get_computed_blocks( request) # NOTE(woosuk): Since incomplete blocks are not eligible for # sharing, `num_computed_tokens` is always a multiple of # `block_size`. num_computed_tokens = len(computed_blocks) * self.block_size
if request.num_computed_tokens == request.num_tokens: req_index = model_runner_output.req_id_to_index[req_id] # NOTE(woosuk): Currently, we assume that each request # generates at most one token at each step. token_id = sampled_token_ids[req_index] request.append_output_token_ids(token_id) num_new_tokens = 1 # TODO: Update the KV cache manager for prefix caching.
# Check for stop and update request state. # This must be called before me make the EngineCoreOutput. stopped = self._check_stop(request)
# Add EngineCoreOutput for this Request. output = EngineCoreOutput( request_id=req_id, new_token_ids=request.output_token_ids[-num_new_tokens:], finished=request.is_finished(), finish_reason=request.get_finished_reason(), stop_reason=request.stop_reason) engine_core_outputs.append(output)
chat = [ { "role": "user", "content": [ {"type": "image"}, {"type": "text", "text": "If I had to write a haiku for this one, it would be: "} ] } ]
会变成 <|begin_of_text|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>\n\n<|image|>If I had to write a haiku for this one, it would be: <|eot_id|> 中,<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|> 标识 header(也就是 role),<|begin_of_text|> 标识上下文的开头,<|eot_id|> 标识一个消息的结束。除此之外,对于function call的处理,可以参考 examples/tool_chat_template_llama3.2_json.jinja 的一部分可以看出,会把对应工具的调用和提示词加入到用户对话前面,作为 user 的 text 的前缀中的内容形成提示词的一部分上下文。
{#- Custom tools are passed in a user message with some extra guidance #} {%- if tools_in_user_message and not tools is none %} {#- Extract the first user message so we can plug it in here #} {%- if messages | length != 0 %} {%- if messages[0]['content'] is string %} {%- set first_user_message = messages[0]['content']|trim %} {%- else %} {%- set first_user_message = messages[0]['content'] | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'text') | map(attribute='text') | map('trim') | join('\n') %} {%- endif %} {%- set messages = messages[1:] %} {%- else %} {{- raise_exception("Cannot put tools in the first user message when there's no first user message!") }} {%- endif %} {{- '<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>\n\n' -}} {{- "Given the following functions, please respond with a JSON for a function call " }} {{- "with its proper arguments that best answers the given prompt.\n\n" }} {{- 'Respond in the format {"name": function name, "parameters": dictionary of argument name and its value}. ' }} {{- "Do not use variables.\n\n" }} {%- for t in tools %} {{- t | tojson(indent=4) }} {{- "\n\n" }} {%- endfor %} {{- first_user_message + "<|eot_id|>"}} {%- endif %}
在具体的以vLLM推断过程的实现为例,对话的API中会包含{"type":"image","image_url":"uri_of_the_image"},在应用对话模板以后会插入占位符,比如llama3.2用的就是<|image|>,原始的训练中的文本内容会变成类似"<|image|>If I had to write a haiku for this one",以此标记图片的位置信息,实际上需要图片会通过uri_of_the_image被加载到encoder中并携带<|image|>所代表的位置信息编码。